Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary – Rizoelia Park 29 Jan.

Are The Cyprus Strollers the club that can turn ordinary hikes into extraordinary experiences? The very large group of participants, including 45 new members, at the Rizoelia park stroll on Sunday 29 January may offer their answer, concerning an easy hike that promised little, ‘on paper’. Strollers enjoyed the moderate weather, the gypsum deposits, the two species of rare and protected plants (Campanula fastigiata and Gypsophila linearifolia), the first anemones which dared flower, the unexpected visit to a small church, the long views to Larnaca Salt Lake, and the fish feast at the end. Furthermore, an experience not-to-be-missed was the surprise recital Yiannis offered, on mandrake. Compliments to Marios, Christine and Teresa for the photos. Join us on 5 Feb. at Delikipos, where we shall bid goodbye to Laura https://cyprus-strollers.org/activities-description/delikipos-hike-sunday-5-feb/


mandrake (belladonna)/mandragoras

mandrake (belladonna)/mandragoras



Lots of New Strollers at Platania 21 Jan.

The club welcomed lots of new and young participants at Platania on Saturday 21 January. The sky was cloudy, but clear, and helped us enjoy the views to the snow covered slopes of Troodos. Compliments to Christine, Teresa and Koula for the photos. Join us on 29 Jan. at Aradipou https://cyprus-strollers.org/activities-description/larnaca-rizoelia-park-walk-sunday-29-jan/



Pointing at burnt forest

Pointing at burnt forest

Snacks arouse interest of 2- and 4-legged Strollers

Snacks arouse interest of 2- and 4-legged Strollers

Glasses raised

Glasses raised

In Pursuit of Ithaca – Lythrodontas Hike 15 Jan.

Every person’s journey through life can be an itinerary in pursuit of one’s chosen Ithaca. The messages in the poem titled Ithaca, by Constantine Cavafy (1863-1933) sparked the mood of Strollers on the hills of Lythrodontas on Sunday 15 January, adding to the excitement in response to the very friendly weather. The meal at the conclusion of the two hikes was a superb experience; the random order of serving the delicacies helped participants appreciate the surprise element hidden in things happening not exactly as expected. Compliments to Alex and Marios for the photos. Join us on 21 Jan. at Platania https://cyprus-strollers.org/activities-description/kakopetria-platania-spilia-sat-21-jan/


Strolling for Happiness – Oroklini 7 Jan.


The Cyprus Strollers is a club of giving; participants benefit from its ample services at no charge. Therefore, it is ever so sweet, when members take the initiative and come up with opportunities for displaying their generosity. Such was the case on Saturday 7 January 2017, at the start of our 6th Season of activities, when our Dear Koula arrived with the traditional Vasilopitta cake for the new year; everybody had a piece and the walk along the coast between Oroklini and Dhekelia turned into an unforgettable experience.

Strolling was further inspired by reflections on the meaning of happiness (the word ‘happy’ is on everyone’s lips so many times, during this holiday period), aided by two lines of poetry by the English poet William Cowper (18th c.), and the illustration you can study below. Join us on 15 Jan. at Lythrodontas, for a further attempt to combine hiking with the world of letters https://cyprus-strollers.org/activities-description/lythrodontas-2-hikes-sunday-15-jan/

“Happiness depends, as nature shows, less on exterior things than most suppose.”




Happy New Year to Every Stroller!

The Cyprus Strollers welcome the New Year and wish every Stroller and every follower health, peace and many pleasant hikes in 2017. The new Schedule for the January – May 2017 is published; you may download and study it here https://cyprus-strollers.org/activities-schedule/. There are 20 excursions planned, of which 6 are new; there are 6 walk Leaders in charge, of which 2 are new! Join us on 7 January for the start of the 6th season at Oroklini https://cyprus-strollers.org/activities-description/larnaca-oroklini-dhekelia-coastline-walk-sat-7-jan/.
