Unexpectedly hot on Troodos – 2 hikes, 27 Feb.

Only the calendar insisted it was February, when the Cyprus Strollers visited Troodos on Saturday 27. Temperatures were similar to late Spring, and the group executed the 2 hikes (Myllomeris waterfall and Kampos Livadiou) in summer clothing, and cheerful spirit. Compliments to Alex for the photos. Join us at Delikipos on 6 March.16-02-27-Myllomeris018rear-Kampos-Livadiou-Agathi-ahead?

A Blessed Rain Brought Strollers So Close – Mahairas excursion 21 Feb.

The weather forecast was proven right this time. Some 15 min. after we set off on the climb from Mandra Kampiou at Mahairas mountains, on Sunday 21 February, the sky opened. Down came rain, as cold as snow, which soon after turned into sleet. The large group of brave Strollers continued our ascent and were fortunate, in that half an hour further uphill we reached a hut, as expected. Even though the hut was no bigger than 3mX3m, 29 people and 3 dogs managed to find shelter and comfort under its roof. It was a memorable experience, since Strollers never came so close before. The buffet meal that capped this outing, in a hospitable taverna, warmed up by two fireplaces, was a well-deserved reward. Compliments to Laurent, for leading this excursion. Wondering where are the photos? Oh, dear, after this close experience, they would be too intimate to reveal… Join us on 27 Feb. on Troodos.


Mary’s Limassol – City Walk of 13 Feb.

The good weather favoured a large turnout on Saturday 13 February, for the first visit of the Cyprus Strollers to Limassol. Mary led the group on a city stroll, which covered part of the sea front and sections of Limassol’s interior. It was a walk into the city’s past and present, Greek and Turkish Cypriot neighbourhoods, which ended with a well-balanced meal of salad, dips, pulses, fish and meat, at the restored area of the Old Municipal Market. A beautiful male canary provided non-stop singing through the outdoor meal. Compliments to Mary for leading the walk and to Teresa and Alex for sharing their photos. Join us on 21 Feb on Mahairas.





Ideas to make a wall more attractive

Ideas to make a wall more attractive


An Enriching Experience – Galata-Kakopetria outing 7 Feb.

An all-time record number of Strollers, from 10 countries on 4 continents turned up for the excursion to Galata and Kakopetria on Sunday 7 February. The focus of interest were the 7 Byzantine churches, some of them on the World Heritage list, which the group visited. Strollers succeeded in securing access inside some of the churches and admired their murals, icons and other treasures of faith. There were more rewards in store: the sunny sky, the idyllic landscape, with a good part of the walk alongside streams of river Clarios, the rich vegetation, as a consequence of the river crossing the two villages flowing all year round, the visit to Old Kakopetria, and a rich lunch. Compliments to Despina, for succeeding in unlocking the church of Saint Nicholas; compliments also to Teresa, Koula and Alex for sharing their photos. Join us on 13 Feb. on the Limassol sea front.

Podithou church, Galata

Podithou church, Galata

Despina opens door St Nicholas

Despina opens door St Nicholas

